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What is a Canine Weight Pull?

Northern Pines Sled Dog Race, Iron River WI., NPSDR, weight pulling, sprint race, sled dogs, dog mushing, snow sleds, mushingCanine weight pull is a sport in which a single dog, equipped with a specially designed weight pulling/freighting harness, pulls a cart or sled loaded with weights over dirt, carpet, snow or even rails, a specified distance (16 feet) within a specified amount of time. It is a modern adaptation of a bygone era, when dogs were used as freight animals to move cargo.

During a W3PO weight pull match, dogs are divided into classes by the dog’s weight. The dogs are asked to pull a cart or sled 16 feet in 60 seconds. Dogs who successfully complete a round are eligible to pull increasingly more weight until a winners in each class are found. In addition, there are two dogs that are the overall winners of the match: the dog who pulls the most weight and the dog who pulls the most weight per body lb.

Each W3PO match, a dog can earn points towards various titles. Some are geared towards beginner dogs, like the Weight Pull Aptitude title for dogs who have a qualifying pull at three different matches. Other titles recognize the heavy pullers, like the Weight Pull Dog Superior on Snow title, for dogs who have pulled 15% of their body weight during at least three different matches on snow.


Stephanie See
W3PO Weight Pull Coordinator
and Chief Judge

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